Without a Traceroute

Time to live.

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Entries from October 24th, 2008

The Non-Touristy Stuff I did in Florence

October 24th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Italy, Travel

I hung out with Stefania a bit, but she was sick for the first few days I was there, and then busy trying to get caught up afterwards. She’s kind of amazing in the amount of stuff she does. In addition to her Ph.D. research, she does yoga, soccer, pilates, salsa dancing, bike racing and […]



Social Center and Critical Mass in Pisa

October 25th, 2008 · 3 Comments · Bikes, Hacker culture, Italy, Politics, Travel

I should say a few words about Stefania’s car. It’s a totally hilarious 22-year old beater. The roof leaks when it rains, so she has to always leave the windows open a crack so the interior can dry out. There’s a joint from a previous owner wedged deep in one of the air vents, so […]

