Without a Traceroute

Time to live.

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Road Wearier

December 19th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Books, Poland, Technology, Travel

I’ve been traveling for just under five months now, and I think it’s starting to get to me. Some combination of being on the road for so long, being away for the holidays, and the fact that it gets dark at about 4 pm (!) here makes me feel very tired and sluggish. Maybe I have SAD.  If I’d timed this trip better, I could’ve had two summers, one in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern. Instead, I get like two half-summers and twice the autumns.

It’s not homesickness, exactly, because I don’t really miss just being home, although there are a few people I’d really like to see. I’m having a great time. I think I’d just like stay someplace for a while. In a day or two I’m going to Frankfurt to spend Christmas with some family there, and after that I’m going back to Berlin for 25C3, which should be amazing. I like Berlin, and I might try to settle there for a few weeks at least. We’ll see.

I’ve been spending a lot of time lazing about and reading. I’m most of the way through Steve Wozniak’s (the co-founder of Apple computers) autobiography, the trendily-titled iWoz. It’s a good read, and Wozniak is truly an impressive hardware hacker and old-school geek of the highest order.

His original idea for the Apple was to create a powerful, but accessible, low-cost computer that hobbyists and ordinary individuals could use—as opposed to the $10,000 machines that preceded it. It’s almost sad, considering the direction that the Steve Jobs-dominated Apple has gone in recent years: producing overpriced computers-as-art-objects.

One of the first projects Jobs and Wozniak worked on together was the Atari game Breakout.  Wozniak stayed up for four days straight killing himself to meet a deadline. Jobs split with Wozniak the $700 wage he’d been paid for the project, but kept secret an extra $5,000 bonus he’d received from Atari for the pair’s efficient use of components. In his book, Wozniak claims not to be bitter about this, but it does  say something about the character of one, Steve Jobs.


2 Comments so far ↓

  • Dave Jacob Hoffman

    Gotta love the Woz. Great hacker, prankster, and segway polo player all around.

    Good luck battling the weariness. Some of my best stories from being on tour with the band were when we were all completely drained from the travel, and though I hated a lot of it when it happened, your mind tricks you later into believing it was fun. So hang in there, it’s nothing out of the ordinary to get a little down, even when you’re a globetrotting internet superstar playboy segway polo champion.

  • Beth

    Man, SAD’s one of those things the Rx companies came up with in order to create a “larger client base”. You’ve just got a case of the old wonderin’ blues. But no worries… there are natural remedies! I even took the liberty to find them for you in cyber space.. to better suit your mantra.

    and.. dream catchers if you like to also improve chi and good energy and what not.

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