Without a Traceroute

Time to live.

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I’m off to Spain

August 24th, 2008 · No Comments · Bikes, Netherlands, Photos, Travel

Tomorrow morning I’m flying to Valencia for La Tomatina,the world’s biggest food fight. This isn’t really related to my project, but it’s something I’ve always wanted to do, and I figured this would likely be my best chance for long time. The festival is on Wednesday, but the cheapest Ryanair flight was tomorrow, so I’m going to meet up with my friend Danny and we’re going to couchsurf for a couple nights before the festival. I have to take a train back down to Eindhoven tonight because that’s where Ryanair flies from and the flight is at 9:30 in the morning. I’m not sure what kind of internet access I’ll have in Spain, so if I don’t post for a few days that’s why.

Today I went to a this free outdoor music festival thing. It was pretty cool, the first band we saw was a very generic indie rock band, although they did have an electric violin. Later there was another band that was a little more bluesy. The festival vibe was very relaxed with lots of families and people hanging out on blankets and stuff. They also had a “Pimp your ride” tent where they had painting supplies and people who wanted to could give their bike a wild new paint job. I jazzed up my crappy bike–which I have named “Squeak, rattle ‘n roll”–which I think significantly improved its appearance. Sadly, I just sold it to a French student for €35. He said he liked the paint.

EDIT: Apparently in Germany, MTV aired an actual show called Pimp my Fahrrad which is exactly like Pimp My Ride but with bicycles.


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